By Ewen McRae
What is your connection to Diggers Rest?
I live in the older part of Diggers Rest. My husband and I have been here 30 years.
What do you like best about the area?
I love the fresh country air, also the flexibility of travel that Metro train provides in the area. It offers best of the both the worlds. It is not far from the city and still has an easy access to the regional areas.
What could make the area better?
I think that when the commercial development happens it will provide areas to interact with more people on a casual basis. More community space for activities and a performing arts centre would be great. A direct public transport link to Melton and Caroline Springs will increase our access to the activities happening around there.
Where is your favourite place to go for a feed in the area?
Houdini’s Cafe and Abelas the local pizza and takeaway shop.
Can you tell me about your work at the Diggers Rest Family Services Centre? How did you become involved?
In the 1990s I joined the Young Mothers and Bubs group as a volunteer. Later, I assisted the infant welfare nurse with hearing tests. I helped Paula, the then community development officer from the Melton City Council when needed. I have been facilitating the friendship group for the last four years at the centre. I am also a member of the Greenies Group which tends the community garden. Recently, we joined with the council to make the entry to the centre more attractive by planting flowers and herbs in the planter boxes. I also do gentle exercise sessions here at the centre where our trainer Samantha keeps us strong and fit. We have a lot of fun in this class. I help our neighbourhood programs officer, Inderdeep with whatever is needed. And also attend Neighbours Network meetings. Diggers Rest Neighbours Network plays a great role in organising events, suggesting programs and voicing concerns on important matters to the council.
Why do you think the centre is so important to the Diggers Rest community?
I see it as a wheel: a well-oiled hub with spokes reaching out to gather community in the older areas and newly developed ones. It offers opportunity for people to do activities. Neighbours Network meets here to plan, suggest and own programs. The centre has played a great role in the establishment of Diggers Rest Think Tank, a network of a large number of organisations, service groups and committees who come together to share information on a regular basis. It provides community resource information and face-to-face contact for the people who drop in at the centre. We have the outreach library visiting us, which enables the community to access books and DVDs etc. Perhaps in future we might have the council customer service wing here where we can pay our rates or get similar administrative work done.
What is the best thing or highlight of your time at the centre?
The launch of the City of Melton Neighbourhood Houses video
A House Where Everyone Belongs. It focused on the role of Neighbourhood
Houses with great emphasis on volunteers, tutors and participants of all neighbourhood houses all over Melton. It was superbly
edited and flowed so well. We, the stars who featured in it, walked the red carpet into the private screening and lined up on stage for presents and group photos. Then we enjoyed a great supper. There was a wonderful friendly buzz all evening.
What would people be surprised to know about you?
I am a keen learner and always curious to know more about things. Age has not dulled my spirit of inquiry. I am a great-grandmother and still going strong.