Ramsay excited for Whittlesea challenge

Garry Ramsay (Supplied)

The close knit local community feel of Whittlesea Football Club is one of the key reasons for new coach Garry Ramsay joining the club.

Ramsay, who has been one of the premier Northern Football League coaches in recent history, has been appointed by the Eagles first major step in their plan for long and sustainable success at the club.

Ramsay, who has coached against the Eagles previously, said he was excited by the new challenge ahead of him.

“The amount of the young people at the club and the direction the club wants to go in the future is exciting,” he said.

“The club is involved in the local community and the players have such a close friendship group and people really love the club.

“It’s like a community club in a metro team. Footy is a great opportunity to get the local community together.”

Ramsay joins the Eagles as they prepare to return to division 2 for next season. The Eagles are yet to win a game in division 1 this season and will be relegated next year.

Ramsay said for him it doesn’t matter what division they are playing in, his coaching philosophy remains the same.

“There’s lots of local kids and we want them playing at a high standard,” he said.

“I look at the blue print and you set standards for each individual to get the best out of themselves.

“No one can stop you doing that. We’ll train at a good standard and if we can get the best out of each other, I’m confident that we can play a high level of footy.

“The key is getting the best out of everyone.”

Ramsay said long term the club was keen to get back into division 1, but want to make sure they can stay there when they do.

Ramsay said he was already starting to make phone calls in the background in preparation for next season, but would finish out this season in the Victorian Amateur Football Association, where he is helping a mate.

“I’ll let Paul [Higgins], who is coaching, have some space,” he said.

“I’m looking forward to working with Paul, who has had a nasty injury, but is intent on playing next year.

“He has great potential as a future coach and I’m looking forward to working with him. He has so much passion for Whittlesea and that becomes infectious.