By Laura Michell
Whittlesea council will ask Planning Minister Richard Wynne to pave the way for the public acquisition of land in Wollert to enable the upgrade of a key intersection.
The council wants Mr Wynne to allow it to prepare and exhibit an amendment to the Whittlesea Planning Scheme which would enable it to apply a Public Acquisition Overlay to three parcels of land on Epping Road and four parcels of land on Boundary Road.
Council’s partnerships, planning and engagement director Julian Edwards said the affected land is predominantly on the western side of the intersection and is about two hectares in size.
The council says the land must be acquired to allow the intersection of Epping, Boundary and Bridge Inn roads to be upgraded to cater for “significant new growth” in the area.
It said the upgrade cannot be accommodated within the existing road reserve and so additional land is required.
A report to council stated the intersection upgrade is one of a number of transport priorities identified in Wollert Precinct Structure Plan to support the growth of the area.
However, the report noted that development had commenced in the area prior to key infrastructure being delivered.
“The intersection at Boundary Road and Epping Road is already at capacity and will worsen as development occurs. As a result, the subject intersection will no longer be satisfactory to service community need,” the report stated
Mr Edwards said the intersection was an important part of the transport network for Whittlesea’s northern growth corridor.
“It provided a connection both north-south and east-west through the growth area of Wollert,” he said.
“As this precinct predominantly to the west of the intersection continues to grow, demand for traffic movement through there is going to be of greater importance.”