Upgrades coming for Lalor reserve


Max Westwood

Following community consultation, the master plan for works at VR Michael Reserve in Lalor have been adopted by Whittlesea council.

The plan was adopted by council at its most recent meeting providing objectives, recommendations and priorities for development of the park over the next 10 years.

Nine improvements were added to the plan after community consultation including extra parking bays, sensor lighting for after dark use, fencing around the off-lead dog area and a graphical bike loop for children as part of a proposed path.

As a part of council’s plans to improve accessibility, concrete paths will be realigned and upgraded, car parks improved and lighting added to a proposed drop-off area adjacent to the Bocce Social Club. Additionally entrances will be upgraded with signage, paving, landscaping and better path connections between the central car park and the Bocce Social Club.

The master plan also aims to strengthen recreational opportunities by moving kids’ play spaces away from roads, adding a proposed outdoor gathering space with a solar-powered shelter, fitness stations, and recreational facilities beneath the future rail overpass.

Lastly, the proposed plan aims to reduce vegetation surrounding the area, planting shade trees and to replace overgrown plants by planting low-maintenance plants and removing dead trees.

Administrator Peita Duncan said the diverse feedback meant “we are covering everyone in the community not just one pocket of people”.

Fellow administrator Christian Zahra said “This is great work by our team, I will just start by acknowledging the commintent they had to engage with the community to get what I think is a great outcome.”

“I just want to take this public opportunity to thank those, nearly 250 people who have taken time to participate in the community process.”