Premier’s sustainability awards honour for Broadmeadows company

Enable Social Enterprises founder Julie McKay. (Supplied)

By Laura Michell

A Broadmeadows company helping job seekers to upskill has been named as a finalist in the Victorian Premier’s Sustainability Awards.

Enable Social Enterprises is one of three finalists in the community category for its work providing environmental employability skills to disadvantaged jobseekers.

Enable aims to break unemployment cycles by providing jobseekers with supportive work and learning programs.

In 2017, Enable created 1741 paid work hours through an e-waste enterprise trade, supporting disadvantaged workers and economic development while diverting 53.2 tonnes of e-waste from landfill.

Sustainability Victoria chief executive Stan Krpan said Enable’s project was “exceptional”.

“Enable Social Enterprises demonstrated to the judges that they have translated the principles of sustainability into practice to achieve outstanding results for our environment and the state of our future,” he said.

Winners will be announced at a gala dinner on October 11.