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Funding plea for Indian festivals in Mernda, Doreen

The growth of new migrant communities in Whittlesea’s north needs recognition in the council’s multicultural events funding, a local group claims. Mernda and Doreen Multicultural...

Sunbury secession: Powell lays out blueprint for unrolling of Sunbury split

The first election for the new council at Sunbury will be in 2016. Local Government Minister Jeanette Powell clarified the timing of the poll when...

Black Saturday memorial tree finds a Strathewen home

Sweat and tears christened The Blacksmith’s Tree at its final destination in Strathewen on February 14 when a small team of blacksmiths installed the...

Collier warned off standing for Sunbury, say Libs

Sunbury Liberal Party identity Ben Collier has been advised by his own party not to stand for the new seat of Sunbury, according to...

Con men tradies target fire-ravaged areas

Unscrupulous tradesmen have descended on some fire-ravaged areas, prompting a call for residents to be on guard against travelling con men. Consumer Affairs Minister Heidi...

Whittlesea campaign: Time to shed ‘loser’ title

Whittlesea campaigners have thrown down the gauntlet to Australians to shake off the mantle of “world’s biggest losers”. In a move they hope will spread...

Workshops to aid in care of traumatised children

Cultural consultant Gabrielle Fahkri retells an incident at a childcare centre in Airport West not long after the Bosnian War to describe her line...

Sunbury secession: Burden a talking point

Costs and timing as a result of the Sunbury separation are the subjects much discussed around Hume, with KPMG reports commissioned by Local Government...

After the fires: Watch for new outbreaks, locals urged

It will be several weeks before the fires that swept across Melbourne’s northern fringes are officially out. And residents are being urged to remain on...

After the fires: Disaster relief announced for those in need

As fire crews and burnt-out landowners started their slow recovery last week federal Justice Minister Michael Keenan and state Police and Emergency Services Minister...

Sunbury secession: Economist to head breakaway panel

Economist and private sector property strategist Brian Haratsis will chair the panel charged with Sunbury’s secession from the city of Hume. Other panel members are...

Tania Herman: Maria Korp’s attempted killer freed from jail

Tania Herman, the woman found guilty of attempting to murder Maria Korp by strangling her and stuffing her into a car boot in 2005,...

Northern suburbs feeling the heat, big time

Residents in the northern suburbs of Oak Park, Hadfield and Reservoir are among the most vulnerable in Melbourne heatwaves, new research has found. People who...

Youth squadron ready for takeoff in Whittlesea

As Melbourne Airport celebrates 50 years of jet aviation, the Australia Air League is looking for young people interested in the learning and leadership...

Refugees made welcome across northern suburbs

Asylum seekers and refugees are made to feel welcome when they move into Melbourne’s north, according to a new report. A research paper commissioned by...


Epping Road closures to impact drivers

Drivers in Melbourne’s north should prepare for delays as overnight road closures take place on Epping Road on Thursday, March 20. The closures are part...