After the fires: Disaster relief announced for those in need

As fire crews and burnt-out landowners started their slow recovery last week federal Justice Minister Michael Keenan and state Police and Emergency Services Minister Kim Wells announced that disaster assistance would be made available, including hardship assistance for families.

Mr Keenan said councils would also be funded to start emergency relief operations, clean-up activities and rebuilding of community assets damaged by the fires.

Emergency relief assistance provides payments of up to $500 per adult and $250 per child, up to a maximum payment of $1250 per household to cover accommodation, food, clothing or personal items.

PICTURE GALLERY: Mickleham fires

Eligible households can also receive payments up to $31,050 for clean-up, emergency accommodation, repairs, rebuilding and replacing some damaged contents.

Those experiencing personal hardship can contact their local council or call the Victorian Emergency Recovery Information Line to discuss financial help. More information is available on the Emergency Relief and Recovery Victoria website.

The Australian Tax Office has also committed to fast-tracking tax returns for people affected by the bushfires. It has also extended the cut-off date to lodge income tax returns and activity statements.

More information can be found on the federal government’s Disaster Assistance website. Anyone affected by this month’s bushfires should quote the Australian Government Reference Number 608 when they contact any government agency.

» Victorian Emergency Recovery Information Line: call 1300 799 232

» Emergency Relief and Recovery Victoria:

» Federal Government Disaster Assist: