My Place – Zhuhuasheng Ye

Zhuhuasheng Ye is a Hume Enviro Champion. (Damjan Janevski) 264993_06

Zhuhuasheng Ye is a Hume Enviro Champion, and is learning about the environment and the history of Hume. She spoke to Michaela Meade about why she signed up for the program.

What’s your connection to the northern suburbs?

In late 2019, I moved to live with my partner in Craigieburn. Because of my desire to know more about the community and get familiar with where I live, I looked at the Hume city council website and found the Hume Enviro Champions program. The environment is something that I’m interested in, so I joined Enviro Champions while working in the property, design and construction industry.

What are some of your favourite memories?

During the 10 week Enviro Champions program, we had in-person and online workshops and luckily two excursions when the restrictions were lifted. One excursion was to The Nook, where we had a picnic and smoke ceremony by an Aboriginal family. I heard some stories and learned about the Aboriginal people. As human beings, no matter where we are from, we need respect, love, support and community, which is the spirit of Aboriginal culture. The other excursion was to Organ Pipes National Park.

Why did you become an Enviro Champion?

I’m working on an environmental project about waste and recycling, including increasing the public and community awareness about FOGO bin use and the upcoming purple glass bin. Beyond that, Hume council is planning to develop a circular economy called ‘Hume as a Circular City’, which includes dealing with waste and recycling. I was looking for opportunities to get prepared for it because I hope I can contribute my knowledge and skills of architecture design and project management into Hume’s big vision.

What was a standout part of being an Enviro Champion?

It was hard for many people in the last two years. But community is where we can build resilience by communicating with other people and making a positive impact on someone’s life. I really enjoyed making memories with participants by sharing ideas and developing the network in the community.

What would you say to anyone considering becoming an Enviro Champion?

If you are interested in environmental issues, if you want to change something in terms of environment, or if you want to meet people with similar interests and support them, the Environ Champions is a good program to start with.

What’s something people would be surprised to know about you?

Probably, my face and my age. Many people think I’m around 18 years old [when I am actually 30 years old]. When I mention my partner, some people may be surprised. And one time, I was recommended to go to an art show for teenagers. It may be an advantage of being a Chinese lady. Anyway, it is good to keep a young and energetic mind regardless of the age.
