Interactive fun for free

8-year old Gunieve enjoying the experience. (Damjan Janevski) 405319_03

Hume council is offering a free interactive and immersive storytelling experience in Craigieburn.

The In My Neighbourhood VR experience is inside the Gee Lee-Wik Doleen Gallery at the Hume Global Learning Centre.

Created by 22 emerging writers from Hume, the virtual neighbourhood takes audiences into a fictional world where they have the opportunity to unpack a wide range of stories, addressing key issues such as migration, mental health, and family and gender-based violence.

Originally created during the COVID19 lockdowns in response to the United Nations 16 Days of Activism, the work includes everything from poetry, short stories and testimonies to animations and illustrations.

The stories can be experienced as video projection, interactive game, pure audio, or in virtual reality during special scheduled sessions.

Hume council described the experience as a celebration of emerging and powerful storytelling talent and the heartfelt observations and experiences of many women in the local community.

The experience is recommended for those aged 15 and up, but younger audiences are welcome with family supervision.

Located in the heart of Craigieburn, the gallery is open for visitors to come in and endure the many experiences free of charge, every Tuesday from 10am to 4pm.

Gerald Lynch