Glenroy Bowls Club works give mutual benefit

Craig McCarron with program participant Suzi. Picture: Shawn Smits

The Glenroy Bowls Club was looking a bit tired. So when member Craig McCarron heard that the club was an eligible host for the federal government’s work-for-the-dole program, he lost no time in getting the club involved.

That was six months ago.

Now Glenroy Bowls Club is in tip-top form thanks to the work of eight job seekers assigned to help out for the past six months.

To receive income support from the federal government, eligible job seekers need to undertake a six-month work-for-the-dole placement with a not-for-profit organisation or government agency.

The program is designed to give organisations an extra set of hands and help job seekers develop skills employers want, meet new people and make contacts who can act as referees.

Mr McCarron became the club’s work-for- the-dole supervisor, enlisting eight extra pairs of hands last September.

Two became employed while completing the program, while the remainder have just “graduated” from the program.

“They’ve built garden beds, they’ve painted, and tomorrow they’ll help put new carpet down. They’ve trimmed the trees and the bushes,” he said. “I’ve had so many comments about how good the club looks.”

The club is already in talks with an employment service to host another cohort of job seekers.