Funding boost for Epping ‘multiples’ playgroup

Niamh, Imogen, Zack and Aiden. Picture: Damjan Janevski.

Families with twins and triplets in Whittlesea and Hume will have access to extra support after the Diamond Valley Multiple Births Association received a grant to fund a weekly playgroup at Epping.

The association received $1000 from developer Stockland’s community grants program.

Association member Larissa Jordan says the grant will help the playgroup provide an essential support network for families with multiples.

“Parents of multiples are at much higher risk of postnatal depression and the children are often more likely to have medical issues associated with being born prematurely, which is more common in multiple pregnancies,” Ms Jordan said.

“Isolation is also a big issue for parents of multiples as it’s very difficult to get out with two or more babies or toddlers.

“Having a safe place like playgroup, where others will support and understand you, makes things much easier.”

The playgroup meets at Epping North Pre-school, 378 Findon Road, Epping, on Tuesdays from 9.30-11.30am.
