Craigieburn Road East Upgrade- Have your say

Plans are underway for the Craigieburn Road East Upgrade. Photo by Damjan Janevski. 283502_01

Major Road Projects Victoria wants to hear from road users as planning is underway for the potential future Craigieburn Road East Upgrade.

To help inform the planning and shaping of the development and design options, they’d like to hear:

– How you currently use Craigieburn Road East, between the Hume Freeway entry ramp and Epping Road

– Your thoughts on traffic flow and safety

– Potential improvements to the road that we should consider

– Potential improvements for pedestrians and cyclists that we should consider

– What’s important in the local area.

Until Sunday, June 12, Major Roads is seeking feedback to help inform their planning and shape the development of design options for the Craigieburn Road East Upgrade. You can have your say by:

– Completing a survey

– Dropping a pin on the interactive map.

You can also meet them in person at Coles – Wollert, 315A Harvest Home Road, Epping to ask a question or have your say on:

Saturday June 4, 10.30am-12.30pm

Tuesday June 7, 11am-1pm.
