Plans for a high-tech global learning centre (GLC) in Sunbury have been given a major lift, with deputy opposition leader Tanya Plibersek and McEwen MP Rob Mitchell making a $2 million commitment on Wednesday.
Ms Plibersek, the second senior Labor MP to visit Sunbury in the past few weeks, chatted with users at the town’s ageing library in Macedon Street, inspecting a 3D printer, robotic equipment and traditional services, before announcing the ALP’s support of the project.
She said the new centre, to be built on a neighbouring 4083-square-metre site bought by the council for $1.885 million in February, would help push the boundaries of digital learning, giving young people a head start and offering older workers the chance to retrain.
Plans for a high-tech global learning centre (GLC) in Sunbury have been given a major lift, with deputy opposition leader Tanya Plibersek and McEwen MP Rob Mitchell making a $2 million commitment on Wednesday.
‘‘They’ve got a real focus on digital learning and opportunities not just for young people, but for people right through their working lives.
‘‘We know that lifelong learning is an important part of economic development for any region.
‘‘Jobs change, industries change and people want to be able to take on new learning opportunities.’’
Ms Plibersek also applauded the council’s focus on partnerships with local higher education providers and said the GLC would be central to the community’s continued growth.
Mr Mitchell said Hume’s existing global learning centres had shown how important it was to giving people access to education.
‘‘Labor talks about putting people first, and this is a great example,’’ he said.
‘‘We know that if we can get people in a good environment where they can get educated, they will go on and give an economic benefit to our community and go on to have better lives.’’
Mayor Helen Patsikatheodorou called on Liberal candidate Chris Jermyn to match Labor’s support.
Cr Patsikatheodorou has previously said the centre would be hard to build without federal money.
She said the GLC would help generations of Sunbury residents.
“This is a place that will symbolise an exciting future for Sunbury, and it shall prepare many people for great careers and enable them to shape the lives they desire.’’