Safe and nurturing environment at Heritage Care

Eileen and Kathleen seated together in the concert/theatre room.

At Heritage Care, the health and safety of residents is our top priority and drives everything we do. The skills and expertise of our clinical and lifestyle team, combined with our person-centred and innovative care approach, ensure a safe, friendly and nurturing environment for our residents.

Eileen and Kathleen’s experience of residential care at Twin Parks Aged Care has been overwhelmingly positive – the quality and consistency of care, the residence, the food, the activities and entertainment, the lush parkland setting, are all appreciated.

Kathleen believes it has a lot to do with the warmth and attentiveness of the staff. Eileen agrees. They appreciate the assistance of carer staff with showers, and meals brought to their rooms.

“They’re always there to help us,” Eileen said.

“They really look out for us.”

They’ve forged a lasting bond of friendship – kindred spirits who live their best lives with a very positive outlook.

“It’s nice to meet someone you get along with,” Kathleen says, who values strong ties of family and friendship.

Having grown up in Melbourne’s northern suburbs, Eileen and Kathleen have seen many changes over the years, and treasure community spirit that’s remained the same. Likewise, they appreciate the warmth and inclusivity of the clinical and Lifestyle staff in the Twin Parks home, and the focus on residents as unique individuals with specific care needs.

To find out more about the Twin Parks Aged Care community and our residential care options, call our friendly Client Service Team on 0434 729 229.