Payment assistance for hearing aids: What you need to know

Audiologist Myrna Warda. (Supplied)

If you or a parent have hearing loss, you may wonder about the cost of hearing aids and available subsidies in Australia.

Myrna Warda, an experienced audiologist from Active Audiology, provides expert insights to help you make informed decisions.

Factors influencing cost and price range

“The cost of hearing aids in Australia varies based on technology, features, brand, and purchase location,” says Myrna.

“On average, private purchases range from approximately $1000 to $6000 per device.”

Government subsidies for hearing aids

“The Australian Government Hearing Services Program offers financial support to eligible pensioners and veterans,” Myrna explains.

“For pensioners, the subsidy can cover 100 per cent of the cost of basic hearing aids, making them more affordable and accessible.”

Exploring top-up hearing aids

“Many individuals choose top-up hearing aids, which provide advanced features for better hearing in complex environments,” Myrna recommends.

“While top-up options may cost more, they offer higher levels of hearing assistance and customisation.”

WorkSafe program

Myrna highlights the WorkSafe program for work-related hearing loss: “Individuals may be eligible for funding to cover hearing aids. Contact an accredited WorkSafe provider like Active Audiology to assess your eligibility.”

National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)

“The NDIS may fund hearing aids for individuals whose hearing loss interferes with daily function,” says Myrna.

“Discuss your needs with your support coordinator or visit an experienced NDIS provider like Active Audiology to start your application.”

Health insurance

“Many private health insurance plans cover hearing aids as part of their extras or ancillary services,” Myrna advises.

“Review your policy to understand the extent of coverage provided.”

Investing in your hearing health

“Hearing aids are an investment in your overall well-being and quality of life,” Myrna emphasises.

“Consult with our experienced audiologists at Active Audiology to select the most suitable hearing aids that align with your needs and budget.”

To have your hearing tested or discuss your hearing aid options, book a consultation with Myrna today at South Morang, Roxburgh Park, or Thornbury. Visit or call 9480 2228.