U3A classes
Hobsons Bay U3A at 83 Bayview Street, Williamstown, has vacancies in craft and computers for beginners.
■ Ralph, 93972358
Fire safety
A Safety in the House talk by the Metropolitan Fire Brigade will be held in Braybrook on Wedneday, June 14. The event will be hosted by the Footscray Senior Citizens Club and held at the VRI Bowling Club, corner Kent and Hotham streets, Braybrook. 10am start.
Talking Croatian
Learn Croatian with the Australian Croatian Community Services at 4-8 Parker Street, Footscray. Beginners and advanced levels available. Next course starts mid-July.
■ 9791 6000 or education@accs.asn.au
Library party
The Braybrook library will host a party featuring hula hoops, balloon animals and twirling plates on Sunday, June 18 at 3pm.
■ 9188 5850
Let’s talk drugs
A free workshop to help parents talk to children about drugs and alcohol will be held at the Footscray library on June 19 at 5.30pm. The Alcohol and Drug Foundation workshop is ideal for parents and guardians of children aged eight to 15. Bookings essential.
■ theothertalkfootscray.eventbrite.com.au
Diabetes support
Westgate Diabetes support group meets 10am on the first Tuesday of the month at Altona Bowling Club.
■ Elaine, 9255 5501 or 0415 030 996
Friendship group
Altona Day View Club (Voice, Interest, Education of Women) meets 11am on the third Wednesday of the month at Altona RSL
■ Janet, 9394 6522 or 0412 010 176