Mother’s Day is a time of celebration for families, but it can also be a difficult time for those struggling to conceive.
Frances Morgan will celebrate her second Mother’s Day next week with her husband Chris and their 14-month-old son Hudson.
The Morgans spent nearly seven years trying to conceive, including two miscarriages and two rounds of IVF treatment at The Fertility Centre in Sunshine.
They said having to wait so long before becoming parents had its challenges.
“It’s very up and down, and you have your good days and bad days,” Frances said.
“And you learnt very quickly that it was OK to do what you needed to do when things weren’t going well.
“So if we were having a bad time, I would go shopping or have some chocolate, or a nice dinner – do whatever we needed to do for that day or two, and then think about the next step.
“We learnt a lot of patience, but it was not fun.”
The Aiport West couple say not shutting people out and learning to talk with others about the struggles were crucial when the fertility treatments weren’t having an impact.
“I went on social media and created an anonymous ‘infertility account’ – and that was one of the best things that I did,” Frances said.
“Just talking to people who were going through the same thing, or something similar, was so important for me. Just to know you’re not alone.
“I know some people close themselves off from the world when things aren’t going well … I would always say, ‘No, you need support.’
“You have to let friends and family in, and they will never understand unless they’ve been through it themselves, but you have to let them have the chance to offer help in some way.”
After 14 months of parenthood, the Morgans say it has all been worth it.
“When we finally got home with the baby, we were like, ‘Oh my goodness, we actually did it’,” Frances said. “We’re just so grateful to have Hudson … you don’t know unconditional love until you have the kid and then you grow with the kid.
“I was so worried about parenthood, but it has been the best year and a bit. We’re so lucky.”
Ewen McRae