Anthony Lewin aims for a spot on the national darts team

FOR Anthony Lewin, darts is more than pegging a few at the corkboard on a Thursday night.

The president of the Northern Darts Association has been playing darts for 16 years and is the league’s back-to-back Dynamic Player of the Season.

On top of that, Lewin earned himself a spot in the Victorian darts team, which will travel to Darwin this year to compete in the national championships. “I’ve been trying out for the state team for the past three years and I finally got there this year,” he says.

It’s clear Lewin is more passionate than most when it comes to darts, which is why he put himself forward as the association president. “A couple of years ago I was a little disappointed with how things were run. It was more of a social thing rather than working on improving people’s game,” he says. “There were a lot of people like myself who wanted to take a little step further and the league at the time wasn’t really doing that.”

Since he became president, the number of members joining has swelled, with some meetings attracting up to 80 darts enthusiasts and first-timers. “We normally utilise Reservoir Football Club at Crispe Park or Watsonia Football Club. Their venues are quite large and we can fit in seven or eight boards,” he says.

The social aspect of the game is one of its key attractions. “We put everyone’s name into a hat and draw out the A, B and C grade players,” he says. “We mix and mingle people from all the different levels who may not have met before.

“It’s worked really well because a lot of the A and B graders are teaching the C graders.”

To be at the top of his game, Lewin maintains a rigorous training schedule of five-plus sessions a week.

“Practice involves doubles, bullseyes and heavy scoring drills; you have to keep it up or you’ll just get embarrassed during matches because there are a lot of good players out there,” he says.

With the right attitude and a rock-solid work ethic, Lewin hopes to one day represent Australia.

“I’ve worked so hard to make the state team and now that I’ve made it, I know I can go a step further,” he says. “The training regime I’ve been doing has opened a lot of doors – I’m starting to win and I’m learning how to win. It drives you that bit further.”

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