Broadmeadows wheels out 3×3 basketball ambitions

Broadmeadows Basketball Association is hoping a 3×3 wheelchair basketball tournament will lead to the growth of the game’s programs in the area.

There is no wheelchair basketball in Melbourne’s north, with those wanting to get involved having to travel across the city or to Geelong.

The association will host Victoria’s very first 3×3 wheelchair tournament on June 21.

Broadmeadows operations manager Craig Campbell said the association was thrilled to be able to host the Basketball Victoria tournament.

Campbell coaches the Kilsyth Cobras in  the Men’s National Wheelchair Basketball League.

“Campbell Message, who plays in my team, asked whether there was anything we could do at Broadmeadows,” Campbell.

“We have 10 wheelchairs at the stadium from Basketball Victoria to use for things like this. We’re doing something here to showcase a sport that doesn’t get a lot of coverage.”

Campbell said the association was looking at getting more court space to allow Broadmeadows to look at setting up a program.

The association already entertains under-25 Australian team training sessions at its venue.

“In our junior program, we have parents who are in wheelchairs,” said Campbell, adding he often fielded phone calls from people wanting to be involved in wheelchair basketball but not wanting to travel too far.

“As soon as we have more court space we will look at having more programs for everyone, including wheelchair basketball,” he said.

Basketball Victoria inclusion officer Alice Hammond said she didn’t think a tournament like this had been held in Australia.

“We’re trying to develop more opportunities to participate,” Hammond said. “We have programs across Victoria but not a lot of tournaments that people can play. You don’t need as many players in this format.

“Able-bodied people can play as well. Being played in divisions means mums and dads can play with their children.

“Division 2 is for anyone who wants to have a go. You don’t have to have played before. You can enter as a team or as individuals.

“There are only three people in a team, and we’re hoping to get some teams and players from regional areas.”

Entries close June 12.

More details: 9837 8000 or