Whittlesea Football and Netball Club office ransacked by thieves

Thieves broke into Whittlesea Football and Netball Club overnight‭, ‬wreaking havoc in the office and stealing hundreds of dollars‭ ‬worth of liquor‭.‬

Closed circuit camera footage reveals two offenders broke into the clubhouse though a toilet window just before 5am on Wednesday‭ ‬morning‭.‬

They proceeded to ransack the bar‭, ‬stealing about‭ $‬400‭ ‬worth of alcohol and smashing two glass bar fridge doors in the process‭.‬

The bar staffs’‭ ‬tip jar was also raided‭.‬

Club president Nathan Croughan said the two thieves‭ ‬“completely ransacked the place‭.‬”

“They were clearly looking for cash and to do some damage‭. ‬The CCTV footage shows they knew their way around the club‭,‬”‭ ‬Mr Croughan said‭.‬

He said the alarm system alerted security around 5am and the club’s caretaker was called‭.‬

The two male offenders wore bandanas and facemasks but appeared to be in their early-to-mid 20s‭.‬

Police were also called‭.‬

The club has suffered a number of attacks from vanadals in the past 12‭ ‬months‭. ‬Last year the canteen was broken into and chocolate bars and soft drink stolen‭.‬

The visitors’‭ ‬changing room was sprayed with graffiti and profanities last August‭, ‬resulting in another expensive clean-up bill‭.‬

The club alerted its members on Facebook on Wednesday morning‭.‬

“Really disappointing way to wake up and witness our wonderful club robbed‭, ‬ransacked and damaged by‭ ‬‘peanuts’‭ ‬who were‭, ‬we can only imagine‭, ‬looking for a quick cash fix‭,‬”‭ ‬the post read‭.‬

“All you’ve managed to do is create more work for a large group of volunteers who already donate enough of their precious time and energy‭ ‬for all our players‭, ‬supporters and members of the community‭.‬”