Laurimar Primary School arts classes off the wall

Laurimar Primary School arts co-ordinator Gemma Phillips decided she would tackle tagging and graffiti head-on in the classroom.

She taught 225 grade 5 and 6 pupils about the difference between street art and vandalism with theory-based art lessons, before allowing the kids’ creativity to run wild by creating their own art installation.

Months of discussions with Whittlesea council and Doreen business owners eventually led to a home being found for the work.

Woolworths recently gave the school the green light to mount the installation on one of the supermarket’s external walls.

In the past week, hundreds of colourful tiles, hand-painted by the pupils, have been placed on the wall.

Ms Phillips said the school had already received positive responses from passers-by.

“One of my goals is to improve the community’s connection to the arts and I think this will help,” Ms Phillips said.

“I also wanted the students to take ownership of their work.”

The installation will be officially unveiled on Monday, June 1, from 4pm outside Laurimar Woolworths.