Shared stories shape report

Harrowing stories of abuse were aired in front of more than 150 people at a family violence forum last week.

Broadmeadows MP Frank McGuire convened the forum to give people a chance to discuss the Royal Commission into Family Violence and how to deal with its presence closer to home.

Mr McGuire said he was staggered to see so many people brave the cold, wet and wintery conditions last Wednesday night to attend the forum at the Hume Global Learning Centre in Broadmeadows.

He said people had made a range of disclosures about their personal experiences and offered some constructive ideas about how problems could be tackled. These stories, and ideas raised, will be complied into a written submission and sent to the Royal Commission.

“There was a really good idea about having ethics taught in primary schools, so young boys and girls would learn how to communicate better and avoid problems later in life,” Mr McGuire said.

“Family violence isn’t just about physical violence, it can be financial or emotional control, or when recently immigrated men don’t let their wives learn English,” he said.

“Family violence … is the leading cause of death, illness and disability in women under 45.”

Submissions are due by May 29. Details:

Lexi Cottee