Noisy, hot cars’ drivers cop fines in police blitz

Seven people have been fined hundreds of dollars for driving hotted-up and “excessively noisy” cars after a series of roadside blitzes in the northern suburbs.

Environment Protection Authority Victoria and Victoria Police set up checkpoints in Westmeadows and Greenvale between March 30 and April 27 to nab motorists driving cars that exceeded legal noise limits.

EPA officers tested more than 30 cars for excessive noise and found seven cars exceeded legal limits. The offence incurs a $738 fine for individuals and a $1476 fine for a company car.

One driver was pulled over in Greenvale and given an official warning, while three drivers were issued official warnings in Westmeadows.

EPA’s Chris Webb said noisy cars were unacceptable, particularly when they had been deliberately modified for performance.

“Deliberately modifying vehicles in this way shows a blatant disregard for the community members who have a right to live in an environment that is free from preventable noisy disturbances,” he said.

A notice requires the vehicle owner to obtain a certificate of compliance from an approved EPA noise tester and make whatever repairs or modifications are needed to put the vehicle within legal noise limits.

The EPA can suspend a vehicle’s registration if a certificate of compliance is not provided.

“Noisy vehicles can cause annoyance, sleep disturbance and other health impacts,” he said.

Since July last year, the EPA has issued 1742 notices for excessive vehicle noise.