Ivanhoe Grammar student thinks outside the cube

While most of us give up in frustration after a few minutes, Ethan Pride can align a Rubik’s cube in just 12 seconds.

The 16-year-old Ivanhoe Grammar student only started “cubing” in February last year but, since then, has taken it up with gusto.

The year 10 student has organised Cube 4 Cambodia, a “speed cubing” competition that has quickly turned into the biggest of its kind in Australia. More than 100 people are expected to take part.

“I could have placed a limit to 70 competitors but it developed into something more,” Ethan said.

The tournament is on May 31, 8.30am until 6.15pm, at the Bridge Inn Road school. All funds raised from the $10 competition fee will go towards charities in Cambodia.