Street tree contravenes plan

I write in response to the letter of Cr Ricky Kirkham, Whittlesea mayor, in Northern Star Weekly accusing me of inaccuracies in the letter I wrote in support of a 76-year-old widow [trying] to find a solution to the problem she is facing due to a tree planted by the council, which has now become so large that its roots are threatening to run into her sewerage.

I would like to bring to the attention of the mayor section 3.2.2 of the city of Whittlesea’s street tree master plan, which deals with the Blossom Park precinct: “Large trees should be planted where the road reserve is more than 18 metres”. This particular street does not fit that definition and therefore the large tree planted in that street is in violation of council’s guidelines.

… Tom Joseph

… President, Mernda and Doreen
… Multicultural Association

Sports clubs celebrate

(“Whittlesea council backs pitch perfect strategy” Star Weekly May 12) Great news for clubs in the area. From what I hear, they will be looking to expand.

… Kevin Theuma, via Facebook