Street trees rebuttal

I write in response to the letter by Tom Joseph, president Mernda and Doreen Multicultural Association, regarding a street tree matter raised with council by a resident. I would like to provide factual clarifications.

Contrary to Mr Joseph’s assertions, council officers have spoken to the resident on several occasions and personally inspected the street tree on several occasions. This includes visits by qualified arborists.

Council has responded thoroughly and has undertaken maintenance of the tree. There has also been no breach of any guidelines, as Mr Joseph suggests.

Council places great importance on the value of our city’s trees and takes any concerns residents have seriously.

… Cr Ricky Kirkham,
… Mayor, Whittlesea council

Artwork … not

I wish Merrifield had chosen a different piece of artwork [Art blowing in the wind, Star Weekly, April 28]. Alexander Knox’s work is amazing but this piece is hideous. Such a shame.

Merrifield resident, via web