Sunbury Community Progress Association seeks one voice

The future of the former Victoria University site at Sunbury, local road upgrades and progress on the town’s planned separation from Hume are top of the agenda for a new group seeking to become a strong voice for all residents.

The Sunbury Community Progress Association plans to conduct regular forums to thrash out local issues.

President Alison Cunningham said many people believed Sunbury lacked a representative body that takes into account a range of views.

She said the new association planned to unite people from smaller community and business groups and to advocate to local, state and federal governments.

‘‘Our focus is different,’’ Ms Cunningham said. ‘‘What we’re trying to do is connect all these great groups that already exist in Sunbury.

‘‘Residents know what they want. We intend to act as a conduit to make it happen.’’

Ms Cunningham said the group had yet to adopt a position on the contentious issue of Sunbury out of Hume, the collective view being that “the original process was poorly handled’’.

‘‘My personal view is that there should be a compulsory vote with all the facts and boundaries on the table,’’ Ms Cunningham said.

She said membership of the new group would not be restricted to ratepayers and people would be able to freely raise matters they believe the community should discuss.

Twelve people attended the group’s first meeting, held late last month.

‘‘Everybody’s view will be considered,’’ Ms Cunningham said.

‘‘That’s the way you get somewhere, by talking. Sometimes plan B is better.’’

The group will meet every month.

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