Invitation to land of joy

Mindfulness, meditation and well-being are the themes of this year’s Tibetan New Year Festival at the Tibetan Buddhist Society’s base at Yuroke.

Festival organiser Wendy Milsom says Buddhism has taught mindfulness for more than 2500 years.

“More recently, Western psychology has integrated the mindfulness tradition into its own perspectives,” she said.

The society has enlisted Dr Craig Hassed, of Monash University’s department of general practice, to speak at midday on the application of holistic, integrative and mind-body medicine.

Teachers from Tibetan, Japanese, Vietnamese and Korean Buddhist traditions will also lead meditations in the temple.

There will also be market stalls, books, and art and craft stalls at the festival, which is at the Tibetan Society’s Peaceful Land of Joy Meditation Centre at 1425 Mickleham Road, Yuroke, from 9.30am to 5pm on the weekend of February 28-March 1.

Lexi Cottee