Sunbury secession: Bernie Finn calls on minister to honour vote

MP Bernie Finn has urged Local Government Minister Natalie Hutchins to confirm an independent Sunbury council will come into existence on July 1.

Western Metropolitan Liberal Mr Finn told State Parliament last week the new government had to honour ‘‘a resounding yes vote for Sunbury out of Hume”.

‘‘It wasn’t just the people in Sunbury. Right across Hume people voted for Sunbury to have a stand-alone council,’’ he said.

‘‘The former government respected the voice of the people and announced last year there would be a new council as of July 1 this year. Since the election … there has been silence.’’

As reported by Star Weekly, the Australian Services Union has launched a petition urging the government to allow a new, compulsory vote on whether Sunbury should break away from the municipality of Hume.

Hume council has met Ms Hutchins several times to raise its concerns with the secession process.

Mr Finn said people in Sunbury were worried about the campaign against an independent Sunbury.

‘‘They may be worried with good reason, given the government’s silence on this particular matter,’’ he said.

Ms Hutchins has previously said there were issues with the secession that couldn’t be ignored and the government would not rush its review.


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