Leave Lalor estate alone

[Re, Lalor heritage move slated, Star Weekly, November 4] My father served in World War II and the Peter Lalor Housing Co-operative Society built low-cost housing so that he and other ex-servicemen and their families had somewhere to live after the war.

The houses, which are mainly single storey and detached, were deliberately built on large blocks of land to give them that open-space feel with large backyards and front gardens.

Glen Eira council, which covers suburbs including Elsternwick, Bentleigh, Caulfield and Ormond, recently zoned the majority of its municipality to low-density housing to protect the suburbs from over- development.

The Whittlesea council should do the same to protect the cultural and heritage significance of the Peter Lalor housing estate. Each house that’s demolished means a part of Victorian and Australian post-war history is lost.

Leave it alone!

Judith, via web

Sunbury secession nonsense

The proposal for Sunbury to secede from Hume is nonsense and a waste of taxpayers’ money. Sixty per cent of residents in the Hume municipality supposedly voted in favour of it. This figure is underwhelming and inconclusive. Most of the people who voted lived outside Sunbury, and those who couldn’t care less were forced into voting one way or the other.

A new poll should be conducted where only people in Sunbury vote, and there should be four options: yes, no, don’t know, and couldn’t care less. Then we would really see if the community wants to secede.

Perhaps the people who want this secession should be the ones who pay for it?

 John McRae, Sunbury