Fire season warnings to residents ramp up

Fire Action Week kicked off on Monday, signalling the start of the Country Fire Authority’s 2014-15 summer campaign.

Police, Emergency Services and Bushfire Response Minister Kim Wells urged Victorians to plan and prepare for fire this summer.

“The message is simple: no matter where you live, it’s up to you to understand your fire risk and be ready to act if fire breaks out,” Mr Wells said.

Whittlesea council’s municipal fire prevention officer Pat Carra said residents should take simple measures to prepare for the coming fire season.

“Residents who live near vacant land, grasslands or open bush should ensure they have a fire plan, so that each member of the household is prepared for days of high fire risk,” Mr Carra said.

He urged residents, families especially, to map out a plan for hot, dry, windy days.

Local laws stipulate that residents in urban and rural areas must keep all grass, weeds and scrub on their property less than 10 centimetres high.

State government regulations require land owners and occupiers to slash or mow grass around their home and out-buildings; keep gutters and roofs clear of leaf littler, twigs and debris; maintain at least a 20 metre-wide firebreak around homes in rural areas, and to clear around trees, remove dead branches, prune lower limbs and cut back branches overhanging roofs.

The council is in the process of issuing fire notices. Concerned residents can also call the council to report overgrown properties.

The Victorian Bushfire Information Line is 1800 240 667, or download the FireReady app, and check CFA’s Facebook and Twitter pages.