Jacana stabbing in Lorraine Crescent house: Police hunt for intruder

A manhunt is under way on Tuesday morning after a man was stabbed in his Jacana home.

Police helicopters and the dog squad are combing the Jacana area following the aggravated burglary in Lorraine Crescent about 5.30am.

According to police, the resident confronted the intruder when he found him inside his house. 

He was then attacked with a knife, before the intruder fled the scene.

Victoria Police spokeswoman Creina O’Grady said it was understood the offender stole a laptop and several other items.

Police have described the man as Caucasian, clean-shaven, with a slim build and aged between 18 and 20. 

Detectives said the offender slashed the victim with a pocket knife or multi-tool.

Paramedics treated the victim, a man in his 50s, at the scene for lacerations to his chest.

He did not need to be taken to hospital.

Police have tapped off the area.