Remembrance Day: Epping RSL president’s poppy appeal

Herbert Mason is understandably brief when asked about his time in Nui Dat. The Vietnam War veteran left for North Vietnam in December 1967 to serve as a recovery mechanic.

The Epping RSL president said he was incapacitated for about 18 months after returning home. But unlike many other ex-servicemen and women with incurable mental and physical wounds, he was able to return to work.

With Remembrance Day looming, Mr Mason wants Australians to remember all the men and women who fought in conflicts overseas and never returned.

“We should give thanks to them every single day for what they have done for this country,” he said.

In the lead-up to Remembrance Day RSL Appeals, he’s urging all Victorians to “remember this November” and buy a poppy.

On November 11, volunteers will be at Epping Plaza and Westfield’s Plenty Valley and Bunnings stores selling poppies.

Poppies have held special significance for war veterans since the flowers began to bloom on the battlefields of France and Belgium.