Thomastown: Whittlesea council probes bingo centre over stripper show

‘Legs eleven’ took on a whole new meaning last Tuesday night when male and female strippers performed to a packed house of gamers at Thomastown Bingo Centre.

Whittlesea council is investigating whether the bingo centre breached its planning permit by organising strippers for the night’s “hens party” theme.

The council would not comment on whether strippers were appropriate entertainment and said it was looking into the scope of the venue’s permit. What penalties or consequences a breach would call for were unknown as of late last week.

Council’s established areas planning assistant manager, Murray Ness, said a planning permit was issued in April 2012 for the bingo centre.

“There is no permission for strip shows, or similar, within the scope of the permit, and no such activities were contemplated in the application for the permit,” he said.

Thomastown Bingo Centre managing director Doug Willmot was bemused the event had attracted so much attention.

“It was just a night of a lot of fun,” he said. “We had about 600 women attend.”

Male strippers Magic Night performed, followed by female strippers “for the men” during an interval.

Mr Willmot said the centre had a town planning permit from the council to run the bingo centre, and a gaming permit for five days of the week.