Broadmeadows town hall revamp plans unveiled

Hume council has finally put new plans for its old town hall on public exhibition.

A revamp of the 50-year-old town hall is part of a long-awaited civic centre precinct overhaul at Hume Central, which includes council’s offices and the Hume Global Learning Centre.

“It’s fitting we commemorate the occasion by planning for the town hall and surrounding area’s future into the next 50 years,” outgoing mayor Casey Nunn said.

Plans for Hume Central will be on exhibition from October 20 until November 17 at the Broadmeadows global learning centre (library) and council offices.

Cr Nunn said the planned improvements would offer a range of benefits to the community.

“The town park site has been identified for regeneration to create an iconic destination in the heart of Broadmeadows, encouraging recreation, education and entertainment,” she said.

The town park already offers playground equipment, and there are new seats, picnic areas and trees. It extends from the corner of Pearcedale Parade to Coleraine Street.

Information sessions on the town hall plans will be held on November 8 and 12, 11am-2pm, at Hume library, Broadmeadows.

More details are at