Epping: Young Parents Playgroup wins top title

An Epping-based playgroup for young mums and dads has taken out a “playgroup of the month” award.

The Whittlesea council-run group has been named Playgroup Victoria’s October ‘Playgroup of the Month’ for providing a supportive environment for young parents.

The council’s Young Parents Playgroup, as it’s known, started up about seven years ago to help new mums in their teens or early 20s develop friendships with mothers their own age, and to help those eager to get back into work or study.

Co-facilitator and youth development officer Kristy Jaycock says most of the activities are organised by the mothers themselves.

“We empower the young parents to run the group themselves by being involved in the decision-making,” Ms Jaycock said.

“They decide what they want to do with the playgroup and how money should be spent. They choose what equipment, excursions and outside agencies are brought in – but the friendships formed are one of the most positive outcomes.”

Mill Park resident and mother of six-month-old Amiity-Jade, Chloe Meldrum, joined the playgroup six weeks ago and said it had changed her from a “hermit crab to a socialite”.

“I didn’t know many young mums in Melbourne, but now I go out to lunch with the other mums in the group all the time,” she said.

Ms Meldrum said the experience was a contrast to her first playgroup, where she struggled to relate to the other mothers who were in their late 20s and early 30s.