
South Morang’s NBN transition

The old phone network was switched off in South Morang on October 5. Residents affected can connect to the National Broadband Network to continue making calls, and they can use the internet through a landline service. To help with the transition, the Australia Communications Consumer Action Network has put together a fact sheet with tips accessible online: www.accan.org.au/consumer-info/tip-sheets/nbn-switch-over

Prepare for bushfires

Whittlesea CFA captain Ken Williamson is asking home owners to prepare their properties for the fire season. “Start clearing gutters and tidy rubbish because it’s becoming dryer a lot earlier this year,” he said.
Burning off grass, stubble, weeds, undergrowth or other vegetation is generally permitted outside the fire danger period.

L-plater blows it

An L-plate driver from Craigeburn was caught driving with a blood-alcohol reading almost three times the legal limit last Tuesday night. Epping highway patrol caught the 34-year-old driving his Holden Commodore north along Edgars Road, Epping, at 103km/h in a 70km/h zone at 9.41pm. He returned a positive breath-test reading and was taken to a police station where he blew 0.122 per cent. He’s expected to be charged on summons with offences including excessive speed, drink-driving and failure to display L-plates.