Craigieburn L-plate driver faces charges over drink driving, speeding

A Craigieburn L-plate driver was caught driving with a blood alcohol reading almost three times the legal limit on Tuesday night.

Epping Highway Patrol officer caught the 34-year-old driving his Holden Commodore north along Edgars Road, Epping, at 103km/h in a 70km/h zone at 9.41pm.

He was pulled over and breath tested.

Senior Constable Adam West said his preliminary breath test returned a positive reading so he was taken back to the police station where he blew 0.122 per cent. 

He is expected to be charged on summons at a later date with offences including excessive speed, drink driving and failure to display “L” plates. 

Victoria Police are conducting their biggest road safety campaign involving 43 local and 22 State Highway Patrol operations.

“All officers, regardless of their work environment, will respond if they observe irresponsible behaviour on our roads,” Senior Constable West said.

“You [offenders] can be caught anywhere at anytime.”