Share your Broady story

In October 1974, the booming city of Broadmeadows finished building a modern shopping centre in the heart of town.

Industry was running at peak production and the population was booming; there was a technical college and a leisure centre.

A young Princess Diana even passed for a meet and greet in 1983 and in the early 1990s a $45 million expansion and upgrade added a new cinema complex and trebled the retail floorspace.

To celebrate its ruby – 60th – anniversary, the centre will launch a competition asking residents to send in their favourite stories or most memorable recollections of their ‘Broady’ shopping experiences.

Photos can be uploaded using an app on the shopping centre’s Facebook page. A short list of 20 will be selected and customers can vote for their favourite either online or in-store.

The campaign runs from October 8-22 and the winner will be announced in November.

More details are available at

Helen Grimaux