Greenbrook licensed to rummage

Louise Potter has her eyes set on car boot sales and suitcase rummaging at this year’s Greenbrook community house open day.

Knick-knacks will be at bargain prices and books will be sold by the bags at the fete, which will be raising money for the community garden and a charity organisation.

“We haven’t decided which charity we’d like to help out, but we’re in a privileged position and we’d like to share,” said Greenbrook co-ordinator Liz Walker.

“Bunnings in Epping are supporting us; they installed the garden and provided us with tools.”

‘Sustainable gifts’, a free barbecue and children’s games will bring the community together from 10am-2pm on Saturday, September 20, at 40 McFarlane Street, Epping.

To donate saleable goods, call 9408 0916 or email