Yan Yean state poll candidates in the spotlight

With November’s state election predicted to be a cliffhanger, Yan Yean voters are in for some solid political attention between now and then.

As part of its ‘families on the edge’ campaign, Whittlesea council has joined forces with Women’s Health in the North, Women’s Health Goulburn North East and Whittlesea Community Futures, inviting all candidates to outline their parties’ policies on issues which affect women.

Sitting member Danielle Green, the opposition spokeswoman for health promotion, women and prevention of family violence, will represent Labor, and be joined by Liberal candidate Sam Ozturk and the Greens’ Daniel Sacchero.

Issues on the agenda include a 51 per cent rise in homeless women aged from 55-64, the deaths of older women who have no money for air-conditioners in heatwaves, the lack of funds and protection to keep women and children safe from violent ex-partners, and new state legislation that could see women jailed for men’s violence against children.

Local jobs for women is another issue.

“We have formulated questions on some of the issues facing women in our region,” a spokeswoman for the organisers told Star Weekly.

“We’re keen to hear the three candidates’ answers to these questions, to hear what their position will be if they are elected to government in November.”

Candidates will have three minutes each to respond to questions when they face their voters at South Morang on Thursday morning.

Visit www.whittlesea.vic.gov.au for more details.