Former school block for sale

An 8000-square-metre Humevale site owned by the Education Department is being prepared for sale.

The property at 130 Humevale Road was the site of the former Humevale Primary School.

According to an Education Department publication

Vision and realisation: a centenary history of state education in Victoria, the Humevale Road property was the site of the primary school from the 1920s until it closed in July, 1968.

It was later used in a pine plantation scheme, before the state government deemed it surplus stock in 2012.

The land was listed on the Department of Treasury and Finance’s new website showing all state-owned land that is for sale.

A government spokesman said the land was unoccupied and was being prepared for sale.

“Consistent with long-standing practice, all levels of government, including council, will be provided an opportunity to purchase the site through a first-right-of-refusal process before it’s released for public sale,” he said.

Whittlesea council said the site was in a rural conservation zone and was subject to a wildfire management overlay.

A council spokeswoman said at one point there was talk of it being used as a site for a bushfire memorial, but this did not go ahead.

Lexi Cottee