Revolutionising the industry

New Age Caravans has shown the ability to deliver everything that people want in a modern caravan.

Since its inception in 2009, the company has grown under director Gabby Barasso and continues to produce the highest quality caravans available
in Australia.

With a highly-trained team working on each individual caravan, the company is confident it’s producing an Australian-made product that people will want to share with others.

Gabby has always had a passion for customer service, seeing it as paramount to a successful relationship with customers.

New Age Caravans has invested in a world-class facility, employing more than 130 workers and producing more than 1000 caravans a year. “We may not be the biggest but we are the best,” dealership development manager Brendan Murphy says. “With Gabby at the helm, New Age plans to cement its place among Australia’s top-tier caravan manufacturers.

‘‘With the acquisition of a second factory in recent months, New Age has the capacity to have a dedicated research and development area where the ideas of a design team can come into fruition.”

New Age Caravans was recognised at a state and federal level when the business was given a $1 million grant to expand production over the next three years.

The company also puts great emphasis on its social responsibilities and supports Breast Cancer Network Australia, World Vision, Tour De Crawf and the CFA. It also donates caravans to families in need.

New Age Caravans, 29 Shirley Way,
Epping. Inquiries: 9305 1714 or