SES training hits a new high at Craigieburn centre

Craigieburn’s new emergency services training centre will start putting volunteers through their paces this month.

Both volunteer and career emergency service personnel attached to a range of agencies will use the centre’s state-of- the-arts props and equipment.

The agencies include the Metropolitan Fire Brigade, Country Fire Authority, Victoria Police, Victoria State Emergency Service, Ambulance Victoria, and the Department of Environment and Primary Industries.

Training at the site is under way as MFB, CFA and SES personnel undergo train-the-trainer sessions.

The first group of SES trainer volunteers starts work on July 27, with 12 CFA volunteer crews then lining up for summer-season training in October.

An MFB-CFA joint recruit course for career firefighters will begin next month.

Police and Emergency Services Minister Kim Wells, who also holds the bushfire response portfolio, said the new $109 million centre “will embed an all-hazards, all-agencies approach to emergency management in Victoria.”

“When our emergency services, both career and volunteer, are responding to a range of incidents across the state, we can be confident they’ve been provided with the best training resources in the nation.”