YOUR VOICE: June 4-June 10

Street character must be preserved

Vasey Avenue should be protected, as most of the houses are post-war and give the area a unique character (Rezoning sought for Peter Lalor precinct, Star Weekly June 3). Not every resident wants to live in a concrete jungle.

Developers and investors don’t care about the area or local residents, only how much money they can make.

Once you destroy the character of a suburb or street, there is no going back. Leave it alone and build elsewhere.

David, via web

Commuters could pay more

The Napthine government has announced that public transport users will be able to travel across zone 1 and 2 for the price of a zone 1 fare.

For commuters who travel daily across zone 1 and 2, this will mean an annual saving of about $1200. For people travelling from South Morang, Diamond Creek, Wattle Glen and Hurstbridge stations to the city, this will mean a saving of about $5 a day – a real saving for family budgets to ease cost of living pressures.

At the time, Labor and Daniel Andrews said they supported this policy. But now the cat is out of the bag.

Labor’s state election platform makes no commitment to slashing the cost of public transport fares across zone 1 and 2.

Mr Andrews is trying to bluff his way through the election campaign, and you’ll pay for it. This is on top of Labor’s appalling record of public transport investment, punctuality, reliability and safety.

Since coming to government, the Coalition has:

• Added 1078 new train services and 3870 additional bus trips per week;

• Embarked upon a transformative rail infrastructure program, including the Melbourne rail link that will separate
our busiest lines and deliver a rail link to the airport;

• Purchased 43 new V/Locity rail cars for the regional network;

• Improved reliability and punctuality across the network;

• Reduced the rate of fare evasion; and

• Increased passenger safety, with 751 PSOs deployed at 118 stations around Melbourne.

Sam Ozturk, Liberal candidate for Yan Yean