Broadmeadows Leisure Centre gets a facelift

After more than a year behind hoardings, Broadmeadows Leisure Centre will have a more striking public face next month.

The centre’s new Tanderrum Way entrance features a street-art mural by local artists. A more user-friendly ground floor and amenities area, extra floor space in the upper-level gymnasium and new landscaping will also be unveiled at a first-stage opening.

The much-anticipated $13.23 million centre upgrade was delayed last October when original contractor Waldon Construction was put in the hands of administrators after suffering heavy losses in its Melbourne building operations.

Hume mayor Casey Nunn said last week construction was again under way after the appointment of 2Construct Pty Ltd as new construction manager.

“It’s great to see action happening again on-site,” Cr Nunn said.

She said the first-stage revamp would be open to patrons midway through next month, with the final stage due to be finished by the end of the year.

While the delay had cause great angst among local tradespeople caught up in the shutdown of the initial contractor, the council had worked hard to retain many of the subcontractors on the new team.

“This is a fantastic result for everyone involved,” Cr Nunn said. “This will ensure that even more people can access this community facility.”

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