Stadium Stomp: South Morang charity walker goes extra mile

A South Morang resident is putting her best foot forward, volunteering to walk and work behind the scenes at July’s Stadium Stomp at the MCG.

Natalie Yacoub, 20, has been working to ensure Victoria’s largest stair-climbing challenge, which raises money for the Leukaemia Foundation, goes off without a hitch.

While she will be able to complete only a half circuit of the 7000-step challenge due to her volunteer commitments, she is looking forward to helping the thousands of people taking part in the July 7 event.

The events management graduate says she has spent the past year volunteering at events across Victoria. But charity events such as Stadium Stomp are her passion. In 2011, Ms Yacoub shaved her head to raise more than $2000 for Leukaemia Foundation.

The foundation became close to her heart after her uncle was diagnosed with cancer.

“When somebody close to you is struck down with cancer, I think that sort of makes you want to do something to help because it happens to so many people,” she said.

‘‘It’s extremely rewarding to be a part of something that’s for a worthy cause and to see it all come together on the day.”

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