Aitken College student honoured for protecting family in face of fire

A quick-thinking Aitken College student has been praised for her efforts to protect her family as flames engulfed their home during the Kilmore and Mickleham fires earlier this year.

Last Monday, Olivia Kurdus’s efforts were recognised by the CFA, which presented the year 7 student with a bravery certificate.

On February 9, Olivia, 12, was alerted to the nearby bushfire after reading a warning on the “FireReady” app on her phone. The warning said there was a fire “zero kilometres” away.

Olivia told Star Weekly she immediately ran to the window where she saw bright red flames racing towards the back of the house.

“I just saw smoke everywhere and [our] cows running in the back paddock,” she said. “I ran to mum who was on the other side of the house and told her to tell dad that we had to get out.”

Olivia then called the CFA, which told her to gather her family and leave immediately.

By the time the family had fled the house the fire was only 20 metres from their back door. Her father Mick tried to hose the fire down, but the heat and smoke were “unbearable”.

Mr Kurdus said while CFA officers had managed to save their home, their machinery shed and its contents were destroyed, equating to more than $80,000 in damage. The shed and machinery have since been replaced.

Mr Kurdus said he and his wife Toni had never been more proud of Olivia.

“She showed so much courage that day and we were so proud of her when she received her award,” he said.