Moving on up

Life is full of challenges, and how we deal with them is crucial.

Good schools work hard to ensure children develop the resilience and practical skills needed to face education milestones with confidence. While most schools have orientation days and a mentor system, transition processes leading into kindergarten, prep and high school vary depending on traditions, size and ideas.

John Nolan, head of Mentone Grammar’s Eblana junior school, says preschoolers are exposed to more technology and events
outside their family unit, adding new challenges for schools.

“Very young children still need time to relax, pursue interests they own and not be overwhelmed by the opportunities they’re inundated with,” he says.

Mentone Girls’ Grammar principal Fran Reddan loves the fact that the school’s preps have grade 4 and year 12 buddies. “We really … look at trying to build relationships,” she says.

At Eltham College, pupils have a pre-prep teacher visit at home. “Often it’s their first special visitor,” junior years director Sonia
van Hout says. “It starts to build a rapport with the child and the parents.”

Ruyton Girls’ School deputy principal Glenis Gumley says its transition process emphasises relationships and making girls comfortable. “It reflects our strong values program,” she says. “And making sure the parents understand the culture they’re coming into.”

Cheryl Critchley