Mickleham: Quarantine centre to curb biosecurity risks

A $293 million post-entry quarantine centre in Mickleham is expected to open next year.

The 58-hectare development, on a site in Donnybrook Road, is part of an upfront investment worth more than $400 million.

The land was bought by the former federal Labor government in 2012.

Acknowledging the project as a Labor initiative, federal Agriculture Minister Barnaby Joyce last week turned the sod on newly green earth after fires blackened the area two months ago. Federal McEwen Labor MP Rob Mitchell looked on. The quarantine centre will replace five others around Australia, including at Werribee, all of which are more than 25 years old and near their use-by date.

Mr Joyce said the centre would improve monitoring of imported animals and plants that may pose biosecurity risks.

“This modern facility will significantly enhance our capacity to manage the heightened risks posed by ever-increasing amounts of new plant and animal material into Australia,” he said.

Mr Mitchell said the proximity of Melbourne Airport and the site’s relative isolation from food production areas were drawcards for the new development.

“This will mean hundreds of construction jobs and about 100 ongoing jobs when fully operational.”